If you think about it most people start their day with a single cup of coffee. I, however, usually start with two or three. That first cup is the start of my day, made by my husband, with a single splash of half & half and one packet of sugar in the raw always poured into my dean & deluca coffee mug which my mom gave me for Christmas. I don't like to think I'm obsessive but this is the one thing I do base my day around…coffee!

Snowshoe. Day One.

At the end of this beautiful snowy day I am wrapped in a cozy, oversized blanket and sipping on hot tea...yep I said "hot tea!" After the day I had I am ready to relax. No last minute coffee jolt this evening! Just as I thought I had seen the last snow of the year, J decided to plan a snowboarding trip for the two of us! We stopped in Charlottesville overnight and continued our trip early this morning making it to Snowshoe before lunch time. I have to say I was impressed with Jeremy's "teaching" skills. I wasn't quite sure how that would go and was even thinking of taking a lesson myself, but to my suprise, he was more than patient (I only fell about a hundred or so times!) and coached me down my first trail. All I have to say is EVERYONE was right..."heel toe heel toe" & "Your butt is going to hurt!!" ...hence the laying on the couch snuggled up in blanket with tea in hand! Thanks so much to mom for her chicken salad and for letting us use her car. Thanks to mom II for the amazing chicken dumplings and cute note attached. Thank you Jackie for the snowboard & boots (I've got the prettiest board here ;) Also, thanks to the Golfarbs for letting us stay at their beautiful condo..ski on ski off...sweet! Oh..and thanks Lori & Nigel for the cookies that didn't even make it off the beach! And Big Thanks to Lee & Julie for letting us stay at your house last night and having coffee ready this morning for the drive up! What amazing friends & family we both have! Love you all!! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. And thanks to Nicole for the yummy chocolate chocolate chip muffins! Delish! I'm sorry Kingston and I won't be there to have breakfast with you tomorrow morning but I'm sure you will survive!!! Have a blast and call me for coffee when you get home.
